Duck River
Right now, we’re on a collision course. [The Duck River] is our lifeblood, but poorly planned growth will suck the river dry. The good news is, we can change course and wisely manage our water to protect the river, our economy, and quality of life.
Grace Stranch, CEO of Harpeth Conservancy
Most endangered rivers
Threat: Excessive Water Withdrawals
The Duck River is a beautiful Tennessee waterway and is among the top three most biodiverse rivers in the world. The river is used locally for drinking water, agriculture, and large-scale manufacturing processes, and demand for water from the Duck is rapidly outpacing what the river can sustainably provide. Overconsumption of the Duck River’s water threatens its invaluable fish and wildlife and its long-term use by local communities. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation must protect this incredible waterway by developing a comprehensive watershed plan and funding much-needed scientific studies to understand the flow needs of the river and ensure its long-term health.
American Rivers appreciates the collaboration and efforts of our partners:
- Harpeth Conservancy
- Southern Environmental Law Center
- Tennessee Wildlife Federation

Protect the Duck River
Tell Governor Lee that long-term planning is critically needed to protect the Duck River from excessive water withdrawals and ensure there is a sustainable water supply for growing local communities.