Farmington River
The time is now to act for the Farmington River. Stanley Black and Decker has ignored Connecticut’s environmental laws and held the Farmington River hostage. The company has had well over a century of largely unrestricted use of the Farmington River’s resources–it is time for them to demonstrate respect for the river they benefited from and ensure future generations can enjoy it too.
Aimee Petras, Executive Director of Farmington River Watershed Association
Most endangered rivers
Threat: Hydropower Dam
The Farmington River is a vital source of clean drinking water for the region, supports diverse fish and wildlife, and provides boating and other recreation opportunities. But the Rainbow Dam, an outdated hydropower dam, is sapping life from the river, blocking fish migration and spurring outbreaks of toxic algae blooms that are harmful to people, pets, and wildlife. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and Farmington River Power Company must ensure that dam operations meet reasonable standards for the health of the river as well as public health and safety.
American Rivers appreciates the collaboration and efforts of our partners:
- Farmington River Watershed Association
- Save the Sound
- Rivers Alliance of Connecticut

Protect the Farmington River
Tell Stanley Black & Decker to update Rainbow Dam to meet reasonable standards so the public can have access to clean water and a healthy river.