Rio Costilla, NM | Geraint Smith
Rio Costilla, NM | Geraint Smith
New Mexico

The Rivers of New Mexico

Reductions in federal Clean Water Act protections across New Mexico have left our state’s rivers, streams and wetlands at risk. It is time for New Mexico to adopt a comprehensive state surface water permitting program that protects our streams and wetlands from pollution.

Rachel Conn, Deputy Director of Amigos Bravos

Threat: Loss of Federal Stream and Wetland Protections

New Mexico’s rivers are its lifeblood, providing clean drinking water, irrigation, fish and wildlife habitat, and rich cultural resources. But a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Sackett v. EPA, has stripped federal clean water protections for small streams and wetlands nationwide–arguably harming New Mexico the most out of all the states. To address the gap in clean water protections left by the Supreme Court decision, New Mexico must secure durable funding to establish a state-led surface water permitting program to protect its rivers, streams, and wetlands. The state’s heritage, environment, people, and economy depend on it.

American Rivers appreciates the collaboration and efforts of our partners:
  • New Mexico Wild
  • Amigos Bravos
  • Communities for Clean Water
  • Audubon Southwest
  • Trout Unlimited