Trinity River
For the Hoopa Valley people, the river is a lifeline for us. We eat out of the river. Some people go to the store, we go to the river. It used to be one of the best fishing rivers in the West Coast.
Dania Rose Colegrove, Hoopa Valley Tribal member and Klamath Justice Coalition organizer
Most endangered rivers
Threat: Excessive Water Withdrawals, Inadequate temperature protection
The Trinity River–the largest tributary of the Klamath–plays a vital role for salmon, steelhead and green sturgeon. The Trinity, known as Hun’ to the Hoopa Tribe, who have resided on its banks for millennia, holds remarkable value to wildlife and people. The Hoopa Valley and Yurok Tribes have been stewarding and defending the river for generations, fighting for Tribal rights and environmental justice for the people and the waters. The Trinity is threatened from excessive water diversions, new water demands, and the effects of drought and climate change. We must tell the California State Water Resources Control Board to honor Tribal water rights, protect carryover storage, and maintain cold water temperatures on the Trinity River.
American Rivers appreciates the collaboration and efforts of our partners:
- Save California Salmon
- Yurok Tribe
- Hoopa Valley Tribe

Protect the Trinity River
Tell the California State Water Resources Control Board to honor Tribal water rights and protect carryover storage and cold water temperatures on the Trinity River.